IMPORTANT: Bots can break instances. Generally speaking bots are not needed on this server since you level up quickly. They are less useful at higher levels.
The server allow for characters to summon up to two bots at a time. Type ^help in game to see all the commands.
Running ^help outputs the following
^? - List available commands and their description - specify partial command as argument to search
^actionable - Lists actionable command arguments and use descriptions
^agg - Orders a bot to use a aggressive discipline
^aggressive - Orders a bot to use a aggressive discipline
^alias - Find available aliases for a bot command
^app - Lists the available bot appearance [subcommands]
^appearance - Lists the available bot appearance [subcommands]
^archer - Toggles a archer bot between melee and ranged weapon use
^atk - Orders bots to attack a designated target
^attack - Orders bots to attack a designated target
^b - Lists the available bot management [subcommands]
^bc - Changes the beard color of a bot
^beardcolor - Changes the beard color of a bot
^beardstyle - Changes the beard style of a bot
^bg - Lists the available bot-group [subcommands]
^bgadd - Adds a member to a bot-group
^bgcreate - Creates a bot-group and designates a leader
^bgdelete - Deletes a bot-group and releases its members
^bglist - Lists all of your existing bot-groups
^bgload - Loads all members of a bot-group
^bgremove - Removes a bot from its bot-group
^bind - Orders a bot to attempt an affinity binding
^bindaffinity - Orders a bot to attempt an affinity binding
^bot - Lists the available bot management [subcommands]
^botappearance - Lists the available bot appearance [subcommands]
^botbeardcolor - Changes the beard color of a bot
^botbeardstyle - Changes the beard style of a bot
^botcamp - Orders a bot(s) to camp
^botcreate - Creates a new bot
^botdelete - Deletes all record of a bot
^botdetails - Changes the Drakkin details of a bot
^botdyearmor - Changes the color of a bot's (bots') armor
^boteyes - Changes the eye colors of a bot
^botface - Changes the facial appearance of your bot
^botfollowdistance - Changes the follow distance(s) of a bot(s)
^botgroup - Lists the available bot-group [subcommands]
^botgroupaddmember - Adds a member to a bot-group
^botgroupcreate - Creates a bot-group and designates a leader
^botgroupdelete - Deletes a bot-group and releases its members
^botgrouplist - Lists all of your existing bot-groups
^botgroupload - Loads all members of a bot-group
^botgroupremovemember - Removes a bot from its bot-group
^bothaircolor - Changes the hair color of a bot
^bothairstyle - Changes the hairstyle of a bot
^botheritage - Changes the Drakkin heritage of a bot
^botinspectmessage - Changes the inspect message of a bot
^botlist - Lists the bots that you own
^botoutofcombat - Toggles your bot between standard and out-of-combat spell/skill use - if any specialized behaviors exist
^botreport - Orders a bot to report its readiness
^botspawn - Spawns a created bot
^botstance - Changes the stance of a bot
^botsummon - Summons bot(s) to your location
^bottattoo - Changes the Drakkin tattoo of a bot
^bottogglearcher - Toggles a archer bot between melee and ranged weapon use
^bottogglehelm - Toggles the helm visibility of a bot between shown and hidden
^botupdate - Updates a bot to reflect any level changes that you have experienced
^botwoad - Changes the Barbarian woad of a bot
^bs - Changes the beard style of a bot
^calm - Orders a bot to cast a pacification spell
^camp - Orders a bot(s) to camp
^charm - Attempts to have a bot charm your target
^cir - Orders a Druid bot to open a magical doorway to a specified destination
^circle - Orders a Druid bot to open a magical doorway to a specified destination
^create - Creates a new bot
^cure - Orders a bot to remove any ailments
^def - Orders a bot to use a defensive discipline
^defensive - Orders a bot to use a defensive discipline
^delete - Deletes all record of a bot
^dep - Orders a bot to open a magical doorway to a specified destination
^depart - Orders a bot to open a magical doorway to a specified destination
^details - Changes the Drakkin details of a bot
^dyearmor - Changes the color of a bot's (bots') armor
^eb - Orders a bot to cast a water breathing spell
^escape - Orders a bot to send a target group to a safe location within the zone
^evac - Orders a bot to send a target group to a safe location within the zone
^eyes - Changes the eye colors of a bot
^face - Changes the facial appearance of your bot
^findaliases - Find available aliases for a bot command
^follow - Orders bots to follow a designated target
^followd - Changes the follow distance(s) of a bot(s)
^gate - Orders a bot to open a magical doorway home
^guard - Orders bots to guard their current positions
^haircolor - Changes the hair color of a bot
^hairstyle - Changes the hairstyle of a bot
^hc - Changes the hair color of a bot
^healrotation - Lists the available bot heal rotation [subcommands]
^healrotationadaptivetargeting - Enables or disables adaptive targeting within the heal rotation instance
^healrotationaddmember - Adds a bot to a heal rotation instance
^healrotationaddtarget - Adds target to a heal rotation instance
^healrotationadjustcritical - Adjusts the critial HP limit of the heal rotation instance's Class Armor Type criteria
^healrotationadjustsafe - Adjusts the safe HP limit of the heal rotation instance's Class Armor Type criteria
^healrotationcastingoverride - Enables or disables casting overrides within the heal rotation instance
^healrotationchangeinterval - Changes casting interval between members within the heal rotation instance
^healrotationclearhot - Clears the HOT of a heal rotation instance
^healrotationcleartargets - Removes all targets from a heal rotation instance
^healrotationcreate - Creates a bot heal rotation instance and designates a leader
^healrotationdelete - Deletes a bot heal rotation entry by leader
^healrotationfastheals - Enables or disables fast heals within the heal rotation instance
^healrotationlist - Reports heal rotation instance(s) information
^healrotationremovemember - Removes a bot from a heal rotation instance
^healrotationremovetarget - Removes target from a heal rotations instance
^healrotationresetlimits - Resets all Class Armor Type HP limit criteria in a heal rotation to its default value
^healrotationsave - Saves a bot heal rotation entry by leader
^healrotationsethot - Sets the HOT in a heal rotation instance
^healrotationstart - Starts a heal rotation
^healrotationstop - Stops a heal rotation
^health - Orders a bot to report its readiness
^helm - Toggles the helm visibility of a bot between shown and hidden
^help - List available commands and their description - specify partial command as argument to search
^her - Changes the Drakkin heritage of a bot
^heritage - Changes the Drakkin heritage of a bot
^hold - Suspends a bot's AI processing until released
^hr - Lists the available bot heal rotation [subcommands]
^hradapt - Enables or disables adaptive targeting within the heal rotation instance
^hraddm - Adds a bot to a heal rotation instance
^hraddt - Adds target to a heal rotation instance
^hrclear - Removes all targets from a heal rotation instance
^hrclearhot - Clears the HOT of a heal rotation instance
^hrcreate - Creates a bot heal rotation instance and designates a leader
^hrcrit - Adjusts the critial HP limit of the heal rotation instance's Class Armor Type criteria
^hrdelete - Deletes a bot heal rotation entry by leader
^hrfastheals - Enables or disables fast heals within the heal rotation instance
^hrinterval - Changes casting interval between members within the heal rotation instance
^hrlist - Reports heal rotation instance(s) information
^hroverride - Enables or disables casting overrides within the heal rotation instance
^hrremm - Removes a bot from a heal rotation instance
^hrremt - Removes target from a heal rotations instance
^hrreset - Resets all Class Armor Type HP limit criteria in a heal rotation to its default value
^hrsafe - Adjusts the safe HP limit of the heal rotation instance's Class Armor Type criteria
^hrsave - Saves a bot heal rotation entry by leader
^hrsethot - Sets the HOT in a heal rotation instance
^hrstart - Starts a heal rotation
^hrstop - Stops a heal rotation
^hs - Changes the hairstyle of a bot
^identify - Orders a bot to cast an item identification spell
^inspect - Changes the inspect message of a bot
^inv - Lists the available bot inventory [subcommands]
^inventory - Lists the available bot inventory [subcommands]
^inventorygive - Gives the item on your cursor to a bot
^inventorylist - Lists all items in a bot's inventory
^inventoryremove - Removes an item from a bot's inventory
^inventorywindow - Displays all items in a bot's inventory in a pop-up window
^invgive - Gives the item on your cursor to a bot
^invis - Orders a bot to cast a cloak of invisibility, or allow them to be seen
^invisibility - Orders a bot to cast a cloak of invisibility, or allow them to be seen
^invlist - Lists all items in a bot's inventory
^invremove - Removes an item from a bot's inventory
^invwindow - Displays all items in a bot's inventory in a pop-up window
^lev - Orders a bot to cast a levitation spell
^levitation - Orders a bot to cast a levitation spell
^list - Lists the bots that you own
^lore - Orders a bot to cast an item identification spell
^lull - Orders a bot to cast a pacification spell
^mana - Orders a bot to report its readiness
^mesmerize - Orders a bot to cast a mesmerization spell
^mez - Orders a bot to cast a mesmerization spell
^movementspeed - Orders a bot to cast a movement speed enhancement spell
^ooc - Toggles your bot between standard and out-of-combat spell/skill use - if any specialized behaviors exist
^outofcombat - Toggles your bot between standard and out-of-combat spell/skill use - if any specialized behaviors exist
^p - Lists the available bot pet [subcommands]
^pacify - Orders a bot to cast a pacification spell
^pet - Lists the available bot pet [subcommands]
^petremove - Orders a bot to remove its pet
^petsettype - Orders a Magician bot to use a specified pet type
^picklock - Orders a capable bot to pick the lock of the closest door
^pl - Orders a capable bot to pick the lock of the closest door
^port - Orders a Wizard bot to open a magical doorway to a specified destination
^portal - Orders a Wizard bot to open a magical doorway to a specified destination
^prem - Orders a bot to remove its pet
^pset - Orders a Magician bot to use a specified pet type
^pull - Orders a designated bot to 'pull' an enemy
^release - Releases a suspended bot's AI processing (with hate list wipe)
^report - Orders a bot to report its readiness
^resist - Orders a bot to cast a specified resistance buff
^resistance - Orders a bot to cast a specified resistance buff
^resurrect - Orders a bot to resurrect a player's (players') corpse(s)
^revive - Orders a bot to resurrect a player's (players') corpse(s)
^rune - Orders a bot to cast a rune of protection
^scorpse - Orders a bot to summon a corpse to its feet
^sendhome - Orders a bot to open a magical doorway home
^size - Orders a bot to change a player's size
^sow - Orders a bot to cast a movement speed enhancement spell
^spawn - Spawns a created bot
^stance - Changes the stance of a bot
^succor - Orders a bot to send a target group to a safe location within the zone
^summon - Summons bot(s) to your location
^summoncorpse - Orders a bot to summon a corpse to its feet
^tattoo - Changes the Drakkin tattoo of a bot
^taunt - Toggles taunt use by a bot
^togglearcher - Toggles a archer bot between melee and ranged weapon use
^togglehelm - Toggles the helm visibility of a bot between shown and hidden
^track - Orders a capable bot to track enemies
^update - Updates a bot to reflect any level changes that you have experienced
^waterbreathing - Orders a bot to cast a water breathing spell
^wb - Orders a bot to cast a water breathing spell
^woad - Changes the Barbarian woad of a bot
196 bot commands listed.
type ^command [help | usage] for more information
To create a bot use the ^create
command. The command takes 4 parameters:
usage: ^create [bot_name] [bot_class] [bot_race] [bot_gender]
The [bot_name] must be unique on the server. You must use valid class/race combos.
Valid [bot_class] values are
# Class # Class 1 Warrior 9 Rogue 2 Cleric 10 Shaman 3 Paladin 11 Necromancer 4 Ranger 12 Wizard 5 Shadowknight 13 Magician 6 Druid 14 Enchanter 7 Monk 15 Beastlord 8 Bard 16 Berserker
Valid [bot_race] values are
# Race # Race 1 Human 9 Troll 2 Barbarian 10 Ogre 3 Erudite 11 Halfling 4 Wood Elf 12 Gnome 5 High Elf 128 Iksar 6 Dark Elf 130 Vah Shir 7 Half Elf 330 Froglok 8 Dwarf
For [bot_gender], 0 = Male and 1 = Female.
For example, if you wanted to create a female Dwarf Cleric bot named MyAwesomeHealer you would run the following command.
^create MyAwesomeHealer 2 8 1
If successful, you will get a message saying "Successfully created '<your bot name>' (id: <unique id>)". The bot will be your level. If you did not use a valid race/class combo you will get the message: "... is an invalid race-class combination".
To see a list of all bots you have created run the command ^list
without any parameters.
To spawn a bot use the ^spawn
command. This command takes 1 parameter:
usage: ^spawn [bot_name]
You cannot spawn more than 2 bots at a time. Once your bot is spawned you can invite it into your group.
Camp a Bot[]
To camp a bot use the ^camp
command. The command can be used many ways but there are two simple ways. First, target the bot and type the command without any parameters. The other way is to type ^camp byname <bot_name>
. So if your bot's name was Testy, you would type ^camp byname Testy
Delete a Bot[]
To delete a bot permanently (including any items), target the bot and use the ^delete
Use the ^app
command to see a complete list of all the bot appearance commands. They are pretty self-explanatory.
When you add a bot that is capable of casting buffs to your group they will usually automatically cast some on you. You can use the following commands to force specific buffs:
Command Usage
[parameters in "()" are optional]Details ^bind
(<friendly_target>) ^bind Will order a bot to cast the bind affinity spell. Requires a bot in one of the following classes (and level): Cleric (10), Druid (12), Enchanter (12), Magician (12), Necro (12), Wizard (12), Shaman (14). ^wb
(<friendly_target>) ^wb Will order the bot to cast a waterbreathing spell. Requires a bot in one of the following classes (and level): Druid (6), Enchanter (12), Shaman (12), Bard (16), Ranger (20), Beastlord (25), Necro (41). ^invis
(<friendly_target>) ^invis [invisibility: living | undead | animal | see] Will order a bot to cast invisibility vs specifics types of mobs or allow you to see invisible creatures. Requires a bot in one of the following classes (and level): Necro (1), Druid (4), Enchanter (4), Shadowknight (4), Wizard (4), Shaman (7), Magician (8), Cleric (11), Ranger (14), Paladin (17), Beastlord (29). Note that different classes cast different types of invis spells. Look up their spell list to see which specific spell will be cast. ^lev
(<friendly_target>) ^lev Will order the bot to cast a levitate spell. Requires a bot in one of the following classes (and level): Shaman (10), Druid (14), Enchanter (15), Wizard (22), Berserker (32, Ranger (35). ^sow
(<friendly_target>) ^sow ([group | sow]) Will order a bot to cast a movement speed buff. Requires a bot in one of the following classes (and level): Shaman (9), Druid (10), Beastlord (24), Ranger (28). - Using no parameter will cause Scale of Wolf to be cast on you.
- Using the parameter
will cause Spirit of Wolf to be cast on you. - Using the parameter
only works if the bot is in your group. It will cast the Spirit of Tala'Tak on you.
(<friendly_target>) ^resist [resistance: fire | cold | poison | disease | magic | corruption] Will order a bot to cast a resistance spell. You must specify the type of resistance. Requires a bot in one of the following classes (and level): Druid(1), Shaman(1), Beastlord(3), Necromancer(3), Cleric(6), Ranger(9), Shadowknight(10), Enchanter(17) or Paladin(21). Note that not all classes can cast all resistances. ^rune
(<friendly_target>) ^rune Will order the bot to cast a rune of protection. Requires an Enchanter bot of level 13 org higher. ^size
(<friendly_target>) ^size [grow | shrink] Will order a bot to change the target's size. Requires either a level 15+ Shaman or level 23+ Beastlord bot. Requires the grow or shrink parameter.
The following commands can be used to change the behavior of your bots.
Command Usage
[parameters in "()" are optional]Details ^archer
off]) ([actionable: target | byname] ([actionable_name])) TODO ^follow
ownergroup | botgroup | namesgroup | healrotation | spawned] ([actionable_name]) Orders bot(s) to follow a target. ^followd
^followd [set] [distance] ([actionable: target | byname | ownergroup | botgroup | targetgroup | namesgroup | healrotation | spawned] ([actionable_name]))
^followd [clear] ([actionable: target | byname | ownergroup | botgroup | targetgroup | namesgroup | healrotation | spawned] ([actionable_name]))Sets the follow distance of bot(s). If you don't supply the 3rd and 4th parameters (actionable and actionable_name) then the bot you have targeted will follow you at that distance.
The bot must be in a group (bot or player) for the command to do anything.^ooc
off]) ([actionable: target | byname] ([actionable_name])) TODO ^stance
^stance [current | value: 0-6] ([actionable: target | byname] ([actionable_name]))
value: 0(Passive), 1(Balanced), 2(Efficient), 3(Reactive), 4(Aggressive), 5(Burn), 6(BurnAE)TODO ^guard
byname | ownergroup | botgroup | namesgroup | healrotation | spawned] ([actionable_name]) TODO ^hold
^hold ([actionable: <any>] ([actionable_name])) TODO ^p
List the pet subcommands. ^prem
byname] ([actionable_name])) Orders a bot to remove its pet. ^pset
fire | air | earth | monster] ([actionable: target | byname] ([actionable_name])) Orders a Magician bot to use a specific pet type. ^release
^release ([actionable: <any>] ([actionable_name])) TODO ^taunt
off]) ([actionable: target | byname | ownergroup | botgroup | targetgroup | namesgroup | healrotationtargets | spawned] ([actionable_name])) TODO
The following commands are generally used in combat.
Command Usage
[parameters in "()" are optional]Details ^atk
TODO TODO ^charm
Misc. Spells[]
There are several spells that could be used in or out of combat. Those spell commands are listed here.
Command Usage
[parameters in "()" are optional]Details ^cir
^cir [list | destination] ([option: single]) Requires at least a level 20 Druid bot. The available destinations are different depending on the level of the bot. Use the command ^cir list
to see a full list of the available destinations.^cure
(friendly_target) ^cure [ailment: blindness | disease | poison | curse | corruption] Requires a bot that is one of the following classes (and level): Cleric (1), Shaman (1), Beastlord (4), Druid (4), Paladin (5), Necro (7), Ranger (13), Shadowknight (19), Bard (45). Not all bots will be able to cure all ailments. Look up the class spell lists to see what levels are required. ^dep
^dep [list | destination] ([option: single]) Requires at least a level 20 Druid or Wizard bot. The available destinations are different depending on the level of the bot. Use the command ^dep list
to see a full list of the available destinations.^evac
(<friendly_target>) ^evac ([option: lesser]) Requires a Druid (level 18) or Wizard (level 18) bot. If the bot is between levels 18-56 then you must specify "lesser" (ex: ^evac lesser
). Since this is a group spell, the bot must be grouped with the player to work.^gate
(<friendly_target>) ^gate ([option: group]) Requires at least a level 50 Wizard bot. Will send the target to their bind point. ^identify
(<friendly_target>) ^lore Requires a bot that is one of the following classes (and level): Magician (13), Bard (14), Wizard (14), Enchanter (15), Necro (17). The bot will cast the Identify spell on the item that you are holding on your cursor. ^revive
<corpse_target> ^revive Requires at least level 12 Cleric or level 22 Paladin. Will cast the highest level resurrect spell that the bot has available (need to test). ^scorpse
The command does not appear to work. Typing ^scorpse help
returns: "This command is currently unavailable".
A newly created bot has no equipment. You are able manage a bot's inventory using these commands.
Command Usage
[parameters in "()" are optional]Details ^inv
TODO Lists all the available inventory subcommands ^invgive
TODO TODO ^invlist
TODO TODO ^invremove
TODO TODO ^invwindow
Bot Groups[]
You can create bot groups to make it easier to manage bots. The commands below are all related to bot groups. For most of these commands to work the bots must be spawned (^bgload is an obvious exception).
For any bot commands that allow [actionable:...] targets you can specify a bot group by using the botgroup [botgroup_name] parameter. For example, if you wanted to camp your botgroup named CoolGroup you could type the command ^camp botgroup CoolGroup
Some other notes about bot groups:
- You cannot invite them into your player group
- They do not #zone with you
- Since they aren't in your player group they don't take group experience away from you (based on limited testing)
Command Usage
[parameters in "()" are optional]Details ^bg
Lists all the available bot-group subcommands ^bgadd
(<target_leader>) ^bgadd [member_name] ([leader_name]) Adds a bot to an existing group. You can either target the group leader or supply their name as the second parameter.
For example, to add a bot named MyBot to a group led by MyBotLeader you can either:- Target MyBotLeader and type
^bgadd MyBot
OR - Type
^bgadd MyBot MyBotLeader
(<target_leader>) ^bgcreate [group_name] ([leader_name]) Creates a new bot group with the specified [group_name]. You can set the leader either by targeting them or supplying their name as the second parameter.
For example, to create a new bot group called CoolGroup with a bot named MyBotLeader as the group leader you can either:- Target MyBotLeader and type
^bgcreate CoolGroup
OR - Type
^bgcreate CoolGroup MyBotLeader
^bgdelete [botgroup_name] Deletes a bot group. Releases the bots in the group but does not delete them. ^bglist
no parameters Lists all the bot groups you have created and who is the leader. ^bgload
^bgload [botgroup_name] Spawns all the bots of the specified bot group. Note: On Imperium you are limited to have 2 bots spawned at a time. If you try to load a bot group that has more than 2 bots then none of them will spawn and you will get the message "Yo can not spawn more than 2 bots (hard-limit). ^bgremove
(<target_member>) ^bgremove ([member_name]) Removes a bot from the group. You can either target the bot or supply the bot name after the command (ex: ^bgremove MyCoolBot
)- Target MyBotLeader and type