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Every character, regardless of whether they are a pet class, is able to get a dragon pet. The process requires patience and money, but rewards you with on of the best pets in the game. You are able to raise dragons and also breed them. Dragon activities take place in Sunrise Hills (#zone 712 2169 -2558 6).

Before you start, be aware that the process takes between 39 and 46 real time days and around 4 million pp (1 million to start and then around 100k pp each day). You could take less days but your dragon wouldn't be as powerful.


To raise a dragon the general process is:

  • Buy an egg
  • Give the egg to Broode Wycth
  • Check with Broode Wycth until the egg has hatched
  • Give the hatchling to Gosden Easterby
  • Each day, talk to Gosden Easterby to do some activity with your dragon (feed, exercise, socialize)
  • After it has turned into an adult ask Gosden to return it
  • Use the talisman that Gosden gave you to summon your pet

Buy an egg[]

Merchant Khajiit (#zone 712 2229 -2538 6) sells blue, green and red dragon eggs for 1 million pp each. Purple, gold and black eggs can be bought from players (although these seldom seem available). You may only raise one dragon at a time. There are various colored dragon in the zone if you are curious what they look like.

The color of the dragon determines the breath weapon it uses. This doesn't appear to have much impact in practice, so pick the color you prefer.


After you have your egg give it to Broode Wycth (#zone 712 2169 -2558 6). He will hold on to it for a random period of time between 7 and 14 real time days. You can check with him to see when it is ready. There is a theory that if you check with him more frequently then you have a better chance of getting the newer dragon model. The model is only for aesthetics, and the purple and gold dragons are always the new model.


Once you get your hatched dragon back from Broode (as a talisman), head over to Gosden Easterby (#zone 712 2256 -2512 6). He will raise your dragon to build up its stats.

Every 23 hours you can choose one activity to do with your dragon:

  • Feed - advances your dragon to the next phase (adolescent and then adult)
  • Exercise - raises your dragon's HP
  • Socialize - raises your dragons DPS

The typical training will consist of doing socialize/exercise for 6 days, feed for 10 days, socialize/exercise for 6 days, feed for 10 days, and then you should have an adult dragon.

Current meta[]

The conventional wisdom on the server is that you want an Adult Savage dragon. This would be a full dps pet. Not having extra hp isn't a big deal since pet bags are freely available. To achieve this you only want to socialize and feed your dragon. The process would look like this:

  • Socialize your dragon 6 days in a row
  • Feed your dragon 10 days in a row (you can use various foods to not have to do this each day - see Feeding section below)
  • Have him return your dragon and verify it is a violent adolescent
  • Give your dragon back to him
  • Socialize your dragon 6 days in a row
  • Feed your dragon 10 days in a row
  • Have him return your dragon and it should be an adult savage


You have 3 options when it comes to feeding your dragon. Each options lasts a certain number of days between feedings.

  • Dragon Meal (101k pp) - lasts 1 day
  • Bountiful Dragon Meal (252k pp) - lasts 2 days
  • Dragon Banquet (454k pp) - lasts 3 days

The benefit of the longer lasting meals is that you don't have to give food to your dragon each day.



Forum Resources[]

Gorg's Delineation of Useful Dragon Information

Guide: How to train a dragon
